Thursday, August 10, 2006

Dear Dr. W - Rocking & Rolling Concrete

Dear Doc,

What can be done to fix the concrete step from rocking as in a boat but they are on solid ground?


Dear Shirl,

This is simply a matter of getting your concrete legs. When you are in a boat you get used to the rocking, and they you are said to have sea legs. To get concrete lets, stick underwear over your head and a pencil up each nostril. Emitting a loud beep beep noise every few seconds something like a bus backing up helps.After several hours the rocking of the steps goes away. This is either from you not caring if they rock anymore, from your neighbours laughing hysterically watching you, ---- or the emergency squad from the Funnyfarm dropping by to give you a shot and pick you up. All are equally effective treatments.

Dr. W


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